Contact Information

Physical address

N2, Keurboomsrivier
Plettenberg Bay
Western Cape
South Africa

GPS: Lat:34°00'01.7"S | Lon:23°23'55.3"E
GEO: Lat:-34.00048 | Lon:23.39869

Postal address

Private Bag X1000, Plettenberg Bay, 6600

Give us a call

Property Reception: +27 (0)44-535 9309
Property Reservations: +27 (0)44-535 9309
After Hours: +27 (0)44-535 9309
Central Reservations: +27(0)12 423 5600
Conferencing: +27 (0)44-535 9309

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Henry Botha

Henry Botha

General Manager at Plettenberg, A Forever Resort